Friday, November 9, 2012

Twilight: Mundanes in a Shanty


Twilight: Mundanes in a Shanty

Serenity aloft the water’s pristine lay
Sham of simplicity rakes the day
As twilight cuddles the darkness
Light flicks to paint hope in life.

Reverie brings opulence
Grandiose stature may be reached
Glamorous castles shall be owned
Yet, all are imaginations while in a shanty.

Rich men shall see what is ours
Shall experience living in scraps
In a messy creek soaked in poverty
In a place cannot even be called our property.

Despondence shall take no virulence
So humility be replaced with holocaust
Simple life and dream shall be the only possession
Yet, dignity is preserved in such adversary.

Who’s to blame for impoverished fate?
Decision? Ours or theirs?
Why not pick misery or prosperity?
What defines the beauty of a mansion and a shanty?

No less than the gleam of optimism
In a lighted abode sublimes
Wrecked is the house…not fiery as is
But, who lives in perhaps are disciples of love.

Commoners reflect common Filipinos
Housed in murky waters of aghast
Still, humility is not forgotten…
So to speak…cites a modest national status.#

By: Wilbert Laforteza

***This is the copy of the draft. The final copy of the poem isn’t returned yet. Final copy is kept for record.

Author's Sharing: Prior to the writing process, a picture was shown having a poor boy sitting beside a shanty house's window. It was twilight. There is a faintly glowing light inside the house built over a creek. After taking a glance of the picture, we were ordered to write a poem in 60 minutes...a complete poem from draft, second draft, and final copy. I decided to write a quatrain free verse poem. It was difficult to create a lovely poem in a time-frame and thematic basis but I did as compared to other writers who wrote shorter or the like poems but spent months or years over them.

 ***Note: This poem won 2nd place in the held Higher Education Regional Press Conference last 2011 at Batis Aramin Hotel, Lucban Quezon. Thus, qualifying yours truly to the Luzonwide Press Conference held this year, 2012, at Balanga City, Bataan.

***I acknowledge the owner or photographer and the boy in the photo I used. I grabbed it in Google images:


Wednesday, October 31, 2012


"People are only mean when they're threatened, and that's what our culture does. That's what our economy does."
Mitch Albom